Pest management is the controlling of pests such as mosquitos, wasps, ticks and other unwanted insects. Pest control specialists are responsible for inspecting residencies such as homes or commercial buildings for any kind of insects or rodents that may have been detected by the owner. These specialists determine which treatment is best for the property and use the correct traps or chemicals to remove them from the premises. Another way that pest control specialists trap insects, is through the use of physical barriers to prevent these pests from re-entering.
These workers should be able to be on their feet for long periods of time and deal with the adapting weather. They should also pay close attention to detail and be unafraid of dealing with various insects and other pests they may encounter on the job. Pest management specialists should know the effects of the chemicals used and how to protect themselves.
No college is required to be a pest control specialist, just a high school diploma or GED and experience through a vocational training program. Workers should be able to stand or crouch for an extended amount of time as well as carrying objects up to 50 lbs. heavy. If you would enjoy keeping families and business owners happy and safe from insects, pest management may be the job for you!
The pest management field specializes in detecting, controlling or eliminating pests within the worksite, building or residential home. This type of work also includes using state-of-the-art pest detection equipment and management systems. Workers must have excellent communication skills when speaking with superintendents and homeowners. Pest control specialists should be aware of the environmental factors associated with their work and how to follow state regulations and laws when dealing with certain tools, sprays, and chemicals.
Pest management is important for residential and commercial buildings, along with their health and safety regulations for the people within them. These specialists work with general contractors, business owners and homeowners to effectively remove pests from the designated area. Some pests are seen more often in the summertime which can bring a lot of work for the pest control specialist during these humid months. Overall, insects and rodents are pests that always seem to show up somewhere, ensuring that pest control specialists maintain a reliable career.
During vocational training, new pest management specialists receive anywhere between $10 to $14 an hour, depending on the employer. With continued training, those further experienced receive between $14 to $16 an hour. Once fully certified, pest control specialists can make between $40,000 to $50,000 a year, again, depending on the employer or the location. Full certification takes about 3 to 4 years, but the process is definitely worth it.
Assisting displaced workers, veterans, and non-violent offenders by providing real career opportunities to make a difference for themselves and their families through education, training, vocational training, on-the-job training, and job / career placement.