Make a difference - Coaches & Trainer Volunteers Needed - Financial Literacy, Job Preparedness, Interview Skills, Resume Writing, Trade Skills & More
People are much more successful at work when their home life and basic needs are met. Help us with food distribution, clothing, work equipment and boots, to support our partiicpants.
What better gift than one that keeps giving. If you love supporting your local community and having fun with creative fundraising events, we need you!
Volunteer with Second Chance Jobs
Building / Construction Team
All Trades Welcome: Electrical, Plumbing, HVAC, Weatherization, Landscaping, Masonry, Painting, Pest Management, and Welding.
Food, Clothing, Housing Supplies are all Basic Needs
we work to provide our participants
Be Part of Someone's
Come Back Story
Assisting displaced workers, veterans, and non-violent offenders by providing real career opportunities to make a difference for themselves and their families through education, training, vocational training, on-the-job training, and job / career placement.